Pramef12 enhances reprogramming into naïve iPS cells.
Biochem Biophys Rep., 2022 May 10;30:101267. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrep.2022.101267.
Yin X, Konishi T, Horikawa K, Tanaka R, Togo Y, Noda T, Hosoi M, Tsuchida M, Kunoh T, Wada S, Nakamura T, Tsuda E, Sasaki R, Mizukami T, Hasegawa M.
Structure and Function of Potential Glycosylation Sites of Dynactin-Associated Protein dynAP
Mol Biotechnol. 2022 Jun;64(6):611-620. doi: 10.1007/s12033-021-00435-3. Epub 2022 Jan 13.
Sekita Y, Sugiura Y, Matsumoto A, Kawasaki Y, Akasaka K, Konno R, Shimizu M, Ito T, Sugiyama E, Yamazaki T, Kanai E, Nakamura T, Suematsu M, Ishino F, Kodera Y, Kohda T, Kimura T.
AKT Signaling Promotes Epigenetic Reprogramming via Upregulation of TET and its Cofactor, Alpha-Ketoglutarate, During iPSC Generation.
Stem Cell Res Ther., 12, 510, 2021
Yin X, Yamada S, Kobayashi H, Tanaka R, Togo Y, Hosoi M, Tsuchida M, Kunoh T, Wada S, Nakamura T, Sasaki R, Mizukami T, Hasegawa M.
Expression and cell transformation activity of dynactin-associated protein isoforms.
FEBS Open Bio., 11, 2110-2117, 2021
Furuta A, and Nakamura T.
Lipid droplets are formed in 2-cell-like cells.
J Reprod Dev., 67, 79-81, 2021 (Selected as cover article)
Sugie K, Funaya S, Kawamura M, Nakamura T, Suzuki MG, Aoki F.
Expression of Dux family genes in early preimplantation embryos.
Scientific Rep., 10, 19396, 2020
Hatanaka Y, Tsusaka T, Shimizu N, Morita K, Suzuki T, Mochida S, Satoh M, Honda A, Hirose M, Kamimura S, Ogonuki N, Nakamura T, Nakano T, Kurumizaka H, Matsumoto K, Shinkai Y, Ogura A.
Histone H3 methylated arginine 17 is essential for reprogramming the paternal genome in zygotes.
Cell Rep., 20, 2756-2765, 2017
Furuta A, and Nakamura T. A hypomethylation circuit of mouse rDNA repeats in the germ cell lineage.
Effects of mild and severe vitamin B1 deficiencies on the meiotic maturation of mice oocytes.
Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, 10, 1-9, 2017
Tsuji A, Noguchi R, Nakamura T, Shibata K.
Folic Acid Deficiency Does Not Adversely Affect Oocyte Meiosis in Mice.
J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 62 (6), 375-379, 2016
Sekita Y, Nakamura T, Kimura T.
Reprogramming of germ cells into pluripotency.
World J. Stem Cells, 8 (8), 251-259, 2016
Okai S, Usui F, Yokota S, Hori-I Y, Hasegawa M, Nakamura T, Kurosawa M, Okada S, Yamamoto K, Nishiyama E, Mori H, Yamada T, Kurokawa K, Matsumoto S, Nanno M, Naito T, Watanabe Y, Kato T, Miyauchi E, Ohno H, Shinkura R.
High-affinity monoclonal IgA regulates gut microbiota and prevents colitis in mice.
Nature Microbiology, 1, 16103, 2016
Funaki S*, Nakamura T* (corresponding authors, *co-first authors), Nakatani T*, Umehara H, Nakashima H, Okumura M, Oboki K, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Nakano T. Global DNA hypomethylation coupled to cellular transformation and metastatic ability. FEBS lett., 589, 4053-4060, 2015
Matsuzaki H, Okamura E, Takahashi T, Ushiki A, Nakamura T, Nakano T, Hata K, Fukamizu A, Tanimoto K. De novo DNA methylation through 5’-segment of the H19 ICR maintains its imprint during early embryogenesis. Development, 142, 3833-3844, 2015
Arakawa T, Nakatani T, Oda M, Kimura Y, Sekita Y, Kimura T, Nakamura T, Nakano T. Stella controls chromocenter formation through regulation of Daxx expression in 2-cell embryos. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 466, 60-65, 2015
Kunoh T, Wang W, Kobayashi H, Matsuzaki D, Togo Y, Tokuyama M, Hosoi M, Koseki K, Wada S, Nagai N, Nakamura T, Nomura S, Hasegawa M, Sasaki R, Mizukami T. Human Dynactin-Associated Protein Transforms NIH3T3 Cells to Generate Highly Vascularized Tumors with Weak Cell-Cell Interaction. PLoS ONE, 10, e0135836, 2015
Inoue K, Oikawa M, Kamimura S, Ogonuki N, Nakamura T, Nakano T, Abe K, Ogura A. Trichostatin A specifically improves the aberrant expression of transcription factor genes in embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Scientific Rep, 5, 10127, 2015
Nakatani T, Yamagata K, Kimura T, Oda M, Nakashima H, Hori M, Sekita Y, Arakawa T, Nakamura T, Nakano T. Stella preserves maternal chromosome integrity by inhibiting 5hmC-induced γH2AX accumulation EMBO Rep., 16, 582-589, 2015
Xu X*, Smorag L*, Nakamura T* (*co-first authors), Kimura T, Dressel R, Fitzner A, Tan X, Linke M, Zechner U, Engel W , Pantakani K. Dppa3 expression is critical for generation of fully-reprogrammed iPS cells and maintenance of Dlk1-Dio3 imprinting. Nature Commun., 6, 6008, 2015
Nakamura T, Nakano T.
Stella and zygotic reprogramming.
In “Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cellular Reprogramming”, Epigenetics and Human Health series, Meissner A and Walter J Eds., Springer, pp31-42, 2015
Tsuji A, Nakamura T, Shibata K.
Biotin-deficient diet induces chromosome misalignment and spindle defects in mouse oocytes.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 79, 292-299, 2015 (Selected as cover article)
Shiromoto Y, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Daiba A, Chuma S, Katanaya A, Katsumata A, Nishimura K, Ohtaka M, Nakanishi M, Nakamura T, Yoshinaga K, Asada N, Nakamura S, Yasunaga T, Kojima-Kita K, Itou D, Kimura T, Nakano T.
GPAT2, a Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Protein, in piRNA Biogenesis in Germline Stem Cells.
RNA, 19,6, 803-810, 2013
Nakashima H, Kimura T, Kaga Y, Nakatani T, Seki Y, Nakamura T, Nakano T.
Effects of Stella on DNA methylation dynamics during primordial germ cell development.
Biol Reprod.,88, 5, 125, 1-9, 2013
(Selected as cover article)
Nakamura T (corresponding author), Liu YJ, Nakashima H, Umehara H, Inoue K, Matoba S, Tachibana M, OguraA, ShinkaiY, Nakano T.
PGC7 binds histone H3K9me2 to protect against conversion of 5MeC to 5HmC in early embryos.
Nature, 486, 7403, 415-419, 2012
Liu YJ, Nakamura T (corresponding author), Nakano T.
Essential role of DPPA3 for chromatin condensation in mouse oocytogenesis.
Biol Reprod., 86, 2, 40, 1-8, 2012
Matoba S, Inoue K, Kohda T, Sugimoto M, Mizutani E, Ogonuki N, Nakamura T, Abe K, Nakano T, Ishino F, Ogura A.
RNAi-mediated knockdown of Xist can rescue the impaired postimplantation development of cloned mouse embryos.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 108, 51, 20621-6, 2011
Wossidlo M, Nakamura T, Lepikhov K, Marques CJ, Zakhartchenko V, Boiani M, Arand J, Nakano T, Reik W, Walter J.
5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in the mammalian zygote is linked with epigenetic reprogramming.
Nature Commun., 2, 241, 2011
Nakamura T, Inoue K, Ogawa S, Umehara H, Ogonuki N, Miki H, Kimura T, Ogura A, Nakano T.
Effects of Akt signaling on nuclear reprogramming.
Genes Cells, 13, 1269-1277, 2008
Umehara H, Kimura T, Ohtsuka S, Nakamura T, Kitajima K, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Niwa H, Nakano T.
Efficient derivation of embryonic stem cells by inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3
Stem Cells, 25, 2705-2711, 2007
Nakamura T, Arai Y, Umehara H, Masuhara M, Kimura T, Taniguchi H, Sekimoto T, Ikawa M, Yoneda Y, Okabe M, Tanaka T, Shiota K, Nakano T.
PGC7/Stella protects against DNA demethylation in early embryogenesis.
Nature Cell Biol.,9, 1, 64-71, 2007
Kimura T, Nakamura T, Murayama K, Umehara H, Yamano N, Watanabe S, Taketo MM, Nakano T.
The stabilization of b-catenin leads to impaired primordial germ cell development via aberrant cell cycle progression.
Dev. Biol., 300, 545-553, 2006
Nakamura T, Suzuki H, Wada Y, Kodama T, and Doi T.
Fucoidan induces nitric oxide production via p38 mitogen-acrivated protein kinase and NF-kB-dependent signaling pathways through macrophage scavenger receptors.
Kimura T, Murayama K, Nakamura T, Watanabe S, Umehara H, Tomooka M, and Nakano T.
Testicular teratomas: back to pluripotent stem cells.
In “Developmental Biology of Neoplastic Growth”, Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology Series, Macieira-Coelho A. Eds., Elsevier, pp133-150, 2005